This book is designed to help students build up and apply geographical skills throughout KS3. The book provides a firm foundation for the geographical skills required at GCSE level and beyond. A wide range of geographical data is provided including satellite images and a large number of OS maps at a variety of scales, often linked to other data, such as ground and aerial photos. Progress in Geography Skills: Key Stage 3 can be used independently or alongside the Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 Student book.
Each page has a specific learning objective and skills focus, such as:
– Conducting geographical enquiries; considering different points of view and making decisions
– Drawing field sketches, linked to OS maps and locating places using lines of latitude and longitude on an atlas or grid references on OS maps
– Understanding and drawing a wide variety of graphs
– Analysis and presentation of statistical data
– Comparing ground level photographs with Ordnance Survey maps and being able to identify coastal, glacial and river landforms on OS maps
– Using newspapers to investigate issues, and detect bias
– Using websites, including online GiS, as part of enquiries and investigating data
ISBN 9781510477575
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